Official Guahaihoque Channel
Copyrights Xue Productions 2007
Official Guahaihoque Channel
Copyrights Xue Productions 2007
There are some copies of this album available, just contact us at the sites below.


Through splendid nature’ sceneries
In the deep woods of majestic ruins
I can see many enigmatic remains
Artifacts from forgotten eras
Vestiges of the greatest past
From millenniums long gone
Undescriptible sensations in my mind.

Ethereal and invisible forces reveal
The dawn of an ancient universe
Dominated by the sons of the sun
When this land was pure
A magic reality never seen before
Buried and lost during centuries
The knowledge of an elder glory.

Furious landscapes of spectral souls
Emerging spirits from carved stone
Presences of arcane and unknown epochs
Devastating unearthed manifestations
In the sacred temple of the serpents
Sacred sacrifice celebration.

The beginning of a new kingdom
Incarnation of solar struggle’s destiny
The gathering of mortality and eternity
It’s the gift from forefathers wisdom.

The end of your life
The dawn of thy eternity
With your blood and soul
The return of the sons of sun.

Ethereal and invisible forces reveal
The dawn of an ancient universe
Dominated by the sons of the sun.

Furious landscapes of spectral souls
Emerging spirits from carved stone
Presences of arcane and unknown epochs
Devastating unearthed manifestations
In the sacred temple of the serpents
Sacred sacrifice celebration.

The gathering of mortality and eternity

Lyrics by Munseishi (2006)

Revelations is included in The Returrn of The Ancient Gods album 2007



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